Shane and I had a fun weekend. But before mentioning that I want to say that Shane and I ran again...we measured it to be 2.9 kilometers which equals out to 2 1/4 miles. We ran it faster this time because I didn't have to take a break in the middle. That's right....we ran it straight through. I was so proud of myself for not stopping. Hehe. Of course, it was Shane's motivation that kept me going.
We had the teens over to our house Friday night. Shane gave a devotion then we played lifesize clue outside. I used the Bible Clue that Bubby and I made. They really enjoyed it. I posted pictures and a video of them playing on our photobucket ( Clinton won the Clue game but it was close. Once everyone was gone I talked Shane into watching Pride and Prejudice with me. I was so excited but then I fell asleep halfway through and he was really bored with it so we turned it off and went to bed.
Saturday Shane and I slept in. We were exhausted from the week (as usual) and didn't want to set an alarm. Once we were up and ready for the day we went to the church to do some laundry. While that was going we went to the library to get library cards then went to Max's News Stand to get hot chocolate. Then we went to his parent's house to get a recipe off the internet for chocolate cream pie. I was going to make it for Thanksgiving. After that we went to Stanton's to buy the ingredients we needed for the pie. We just relaxed the rest of the night.
Sunday I got to teach the Sunday School class for the first time officially as the teacher. I really enjoyed it. The kids are excited about the new things we have going for it. Sunday afternoon we went to Shane's parents' house to celebrate Thanksgiving. All of Shane's brother and sisters were there with their families. We had a good time and it was pretty yummy. I plan to post pictures from that on photobucket also. That night...around 10 or so Shane and I watched the sky. The Northern Lights were going just a bit and although they were dim I loved them. The stars were also awesome that night. It was the clearest I've ever seen a sky before. It was so pretty. We stood out (it was about 20 degrees) for at least 15 or 20 minutes. We loved it.
Yesterday was Thanksgiving so Shane and I both had off. We had another sleep over in the living room Sunday night and didn't get up until noon or after. I made cinnamon balls and quiche (however you spell it) for breakfast. We stayed in bed and watched movies all day ( I crocheted, too, of course). It was such a fun day.
Well that was a long post. I had a fun weekend.