Friday, November 22, 2013

My Prayer Journal

I have found myself in the past year or so spending less and less time praying. I read my Bible and say a quick prayer before I start my day then I am off doing whatever it is that needs done that day. I have realized that in living that way I am completely relying on my own strength to be a godly mother, wife, friend, etc. No wonder I keep failing!

I have begun to read the book "The Burden Bearer" by Paul Chappell. I am only 70% through the book (I love how my kindle tells me that) and already the Lord has been changing my heart. I am realizing how little I actually give to the Burden Bearer and how much I attempt to carry all on my own! This led me to see how little time I put into prayer. And not just praying for the things I need but praying for other's needs as well.

So I found an old notebook we have had sitting around for years and started labeling the pages. The first page I put my family. I listed each member of my family and ways I need to pray for them. It's nice to have scripture references next to certain ones.  Some more examples of the pages I have are : missionaries, extended family, Facebook requests (after making this page I realized how often Facebook friends ask for prayer), Wednesday night prayer meeting requests, etc. These are just some of the ones I thought of. Anyway, it is amazing to see the Lord answering prayers. When I hear an answer to a prayer it's such a blessing. I have found it has caused me to start caring for other people, too, now that I am praying for them on a regular basis.

Well, I guess this sort of turned into rambling but I hope it has encouraged you to pray for others more. And to hand things over to our Burden Bearer instead of trying to handle things on our own.


  1. wonderful post. I recently read "The Burden Bearer" also. Excellent book! God is an amazing God!! :D

  2. He sure is! And I love how the closer we get to Him the more we realize it <3

  3. I love this post, Sandy - thank for sharing!

  4. I'm glad it can be a blessing, bubby :)

  5. You don't ramble. ;) I needed that today. There's so much going on right now and God is working in so many areas at once I've been feeling to overwhelmed. But I do need to cast all my cares on Jesus.

  6. I'm glad it can be a reminder for you :)
