Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence [is] fulness of joy; at thy right hand [there are] pleasures for evermore.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
My Boy
Monday, December 27, 2010
Merry 2 days ago was Christmas!
My William again. This time he is crying cause he is about to get his diaper changed. He really doesn't cry that much...just when he is hungry or getting a bath or that kinda stuff.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tomorrow Shane and I leave for Aklavik. We are going for the Thursday night service then we are going to stay for a Christmas Eve service. The ice road opened this week so we will be driving over. Then we will come back here for Christmas Day. So, since I probably won't be posting again before Christmas...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Our Little Baby
Saturday, December 11, 2010
40 weeks and 2 days
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Almost There
Not much else is going on here. It is getting pretty cold...I think last night was the coldest so far. This morning it is -19 F. Pretty chilly but not too cold for a short walk (as long as you are bundled up). I take TBone out every day and he loves burying his face in the snow as he runs. So anyway...that is all for now.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy American Thanksgiving :-)
Like Shane said on his blog, this week is our Vision Conference. It started last night and ends Saturday night. He explains it on his blog, so you should go read about it. Dr Forney is preaching/teaching and already it has been great! Shane and his dad are leading music. Here's a picture I took.
Happy Thanksgiving!
P.S. I am 38 weeks!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Home Sweet Home
I don't really have much else to post...I will get up some pictures soon.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Fall Harvest Party
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Aero Bar
Well, not much new has been going on. We had a potluck dinner at our house last weekend. That was fun and it went well. Next Saturday is our Harvest Party at church. We will have games and food so it should be fun :-)
I meant to post another picture of my ever growing belly, but I forgot. I am now 33 weeks and baby feels so big! He/she hates it whenever anything is on my belly. Whether it is me leaning against the counter when I am washing dishes, or resting a plate on my belly when I am eating, or Shane's head leaning against my belly...he pushes it until I move it.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Inuvik for the Weekend
Well, I don't really have a lot to post except that Mrs Hitchens gave me a recipe for sweet potato casserole and I am really excited about trying it this weekend for Thanksgiving. I think Shane is even more excited about it then I am...he had it at the Hitchen's a couple years ago and still remembers it. So it must be good.
Here is a picture Shane took of me last night. I am 31 weeks along.
Monday, September 27, 2010
3 Weeks In Aklavik
The guys sighed when they saw how much stuff we wanted them to fit on the plane. But they did a good job and got it all in.
Good-bye Inuvik!
The beautiful view from our house. It no longer looks like this, though. It is now covered in snow!
Like my title says we have been in Aklavik for 3 weeks now. Time has really flown by! Church services have been going well and I have been having several different kids come to Sunday school. It started snowing a couple days ago. Although it is not quite cold enough to amount to much it is still covering most of the ground. Yesterday Shane and I watched a little boy across the street trying to build a snowman. He wasn't successful, but some other kids were.
Baby is really growing. The other night Shane and I played with him for a while. We could feel part of him sticking out of me and he would move whenever Shane would touch him. He stayed awake and "played" for at least a half hour or so. He is very active. I am 30 weeks tomorrow! Only 10 left!
Monday, August 30, 2010
God is Good
Also this past week I got a slightly unexpected babysitting job. Since Easter I was planning on watching these kids for the summer but then they went to Tuk for July and were spending time with their cousins for the first week or so of August so I figured that they didn't need me this summer after all. Shane and I looked around to see if anyone needed a babysitter but found nothing. So we prayed and asked God to send me a babysitting job for August. Then last Monday morning their dad came knocking at our door at 8 am and said he really needed a babysitter. So I babysat all last week and will again this week. God is so good in how He provides in His perfect timing.
Here is a picture of the girls I am babysitting (they are the twins I babysat last spring). They fell asleep while watching a 3D movie (which should explain the silly glasses they are wearing).
Then I also included a picture of the pup we are watching. She likes to sleep, too. And last but not least here's a silly video of my Shane. It's taken at Gwichin Park.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
25 Weeks Along
The first picture is me at 22 weeks pregnant and the other was taken today, 25 weeks pregnant.
Friday, August 20, 2010
A Few More Pictures
Well, believe it or not I am looking forward to the cold darkness to come back. Although I love summer...I love the winter!! haha....only another month or two and I can start wearing my scarf and mittens again!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
My Pictures
These first ones might need some explaining...we have a squirrel that has been making our home his home for the past few months. When we are away house sitting for a few days we come back and we can tell he has been in there feasting away on whatever he could. This past week we were home and he was quite surprised when he popped into the kitchen and saw me sitting at the table. So after that we really started working hard to get him. We caught him in a trap twice but both times he got out before Shane could kill him. So Shane filled up his CO2 tank and bought paintballs and was going to have a little fun hunting him. This first picture is Shane practicing shooting: is a less disturbing picture. This is my niece, Tamara. It took Shane 5 minutes and bribing her with a lollipop to put that moose hat on and let me take a picture.