Monday, March 28, 2011

Lots of Photos

Baby and I decided to take advantage of the warmer weather today (20F) by taking a walk. Here are some before and after pictures.



Haha...that thing puts him right out!

Wearing Dad's hat...

Baby boy with Miss Greenland (Shane's high school teacher)

He started playing with his teddy a little...I am not really sure why he is making this face (Shane took the picture).

Last weekend I was busy getting ready for the Mother Daughter Banquet so Shane took care of baby all morning...he looks a little tired.

Squeaky Clean!!

Will with 3 of his cousins: Tyra, Tyanna, and Tamara

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Back From Yellowknife

Well, we got back from Yellowknife today. We had a great time. William loved the plane ride. He liked to look out the window as we took off and landed. I was happy with how well he did.  

This is Pastor and Mrs Siemens. We stayed with them while we were in Yellowknife. We really enjoyed getting to know them. William loved them, too.

This is Doug and Trudy and their girls. They are a couple from the church in Yellowknife. They had us over for supper on Monday night. We had a great time with them. 

So we had a great trip. I am now a permanent resident! Actually, I have been a permanent resident since yesterday :-) In two years I can apply for citizenship. I tell William soon I will be Canadian like him and soon he will be American like me. Anyways...we are back and happy to be home.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

He looks sooo cute when he is in the snuggly and looks up at me. When I wear that with him in it, he stares at me the whole time. I just love it! Monday I wore it with him in it under my coat and took him and TBone for a walk. Well, to the end of the driveway and back a few times. Anyway, we all really enjoyed it. I will try to get a picture of us all ready to go for a walk next time we go.

I think he will be getting a tooth or two really soon. I think I can feel and see little bumps on the top plus all day he has been rubbing his tongue along his gums (which I have never seen him do before today). It's super cute! So far he hasn't been too fussy about his little teeth, hopefully he will take after his cousin, Titus, and have good tooth days!!

He also started to do something new. We just noticed it yesterday. Everytime after he sneezes he says something (in his baby talk, that is). It sounds sorta like he is saying, "oh". This may be crazy but maybe he does it because everytime he sneezes we say God Bless You to him and he is catching on to that. Not sure, but it is super cute either way.

Well, he just pood so I better go clean him up. Have a great Wednesday!! There he goes again...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

We had a good time taking pictures today. But, he was really serious and I hardly got one smile at him. He is sooo close to rolling over. He can sorta roll onto his side a little right now. I will take a video of him rolling over as soon as he gets it! But for now, enjoy these photos.

Trying out his new high chair. He really likes it. This picture was taken right after he got up from his nap, though, so he is still in serious mode.

I couldn't get one without his fingers in his mouth. He has them in his mouth just about every chance he gets now.

Look at those eyes!!!

Just getting the two of them sitting still at the same time is an accomplishment. I wasn't even gonna try to get them to both look at me.

Me and my pup with our new hair cuts (although mine is about 3 weeks old). He can finally see!!!

 And then here is a video for you. He has started to do this ting where he will try to act mad or sad then give a big grin. He is sorta doing that in this video.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Well, we were given tickets to Yellowknife! We only have to pay $37 a piece!!!! We will leave March 20 and be back March 23. Hopefully on March 21 I can get the appointment with the immigration officer. She said it only takes 5 minutes so that is good. I have never been to Yellowknife so I am looking forward to this. Plus I haven't been outside of Inuvik or Aklavik since July so it will be so nice to get out. We are looking forward to going to some of our favorite places to eat. It will be nice.

William went to the doctor yesterday. He has exzema pretty bad all over his body. She prescribed some moisturizing cream and some cream with a steroid in it but it wasn't ready at the drug store yesterday. We will pick it up today. Hopefully it doesn't get too much worse. Please pray for him. Also kids with exzema are more likely to have allergies so she told us to keep an eye out for that. But, with the parents he's got, he didn't stand much of a chance as far as allergies go anyway. So we will see. Just keep him in your prayers.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Another Praise!

Well, I talked with the immigration officer from Yellowknife today. We are going to set up our meeting within the next month or so. I will go to Yellowknife to meet with her, she will send off my paperwork, I will get my permanent resident card in the mail, I will be a permanent resident of Canada!! Praise the Lord! And on top of that, many of you may have known that I thought I would have to cross the border after all this. Well, turns out that the class that I applied in (spouse class) is the ONLY class that does not have to cross the border. Praise the Lord! He worked that out. He did that!! I am just rejoicing in the Lord today!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Praise the Lord!!!

Praise the Lord!!! You might remember a couple weeks ago I posted about my immigration status. We got a letter just over 2 weeks ago saying my permanent resident application has been completed and they would contact me to set up an appointment to finalize everything. I didn't expect to hear back from them for months but the they called yesterday!!! I wasn't home at the time so they left a message and I will call them back on Monday. The only thing is that they want us to meet them in Yelloknife for the appointment. It would probably cost over $1000 dollars in aifare for just me. So I am going to try to get it so that I can have the appointment here in Inuvik. Please pray about that. We know that the Lord will work everything out until it is finished. He has been so good all through this process!!

Here are a couple photos of William. I had more really cute ones but my camera battery died before I could upload them. I will share them later.

Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


We had quite the blizzard last weekend. I guess it started Thursday night. Some sort of tower fell down on the Dempster Highway in the middle of the night because of the storm and I guess that tower was what gave us internet and phone service. So the tower was down which meant no internet, cell phones or long distance calls. But because of the blizzard the Highway was closed so no one could go out to fix it. So the town went without internet, cell phones, or long distance calls for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. You never realize how heavily we rely on those things until they are gone. Stores were pretty much dead because no one could use their debit or credit cards and the bank was down so no one could get cash out. Crazy. But anyway, it is all back (obviously). 

Here are a couple pictures of the boy. He has really started to fill out in the past few days. He is getting so big!! But in just a few months he won't be the youngest cousin anymore. He has a cousin from my side coming in April and a cousin from Shane's side coming in July. He will be the big cousin!  

(Tyanna and Tamara)
Drool man!
I think this is his 'mom isn't that enough pictures?' smile

He is starting to hold his hands like this. I thought it was so cute because he 
did it while we were doing our devotions and it looks like he is praying.