Monday, September 26, 2011

Last Monday In September!

I can't believe October will be here this weekend! Time is just flying by! I am enjoying the cooler weather here in Inuvik. 32 degrees F here this morning. Will, TBone and I went on a walk this morning. William doesn't mind the cooler weather. He wears a hat, neck warmer, boots and his carhart jacket to keep him warm. And then I put a blanket over him in the stroller. I am trying to take him out everyday so that he can get used to the cold gradually. We had our first snow this past week. It is all melted already but it was still fun to see the snow falling. It got me in the mood for the mood for Christmas :-)

I decided to stop babysitting Kody. He was too much to handle. I couldn't give William the attention he needed because Kody was always into something. It was a really hard decision to make but his mom understood and was able to find him a new sitter. I am still the backup sitter, though, so from time to time I will still watch him.

Not much else new going on here. I hope you all have a great Monday and a great week!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Good Morning!

Well this week was ladies night. Including myself, there were 9 ladies there. It was a really good time. We studied Psalm 39 and then one of the ladies had a question about God's forgiveness. Mrs Forney taught us a little about God's forgiveness. It's so neat how although that was unplanned, it was a great addition to our devotion. God is in control of everything!

Shane left for Whitehorse yesterday with his dad. They left around 2 pm and I am figuring they must have arrived somewhere between 5-6 am. I haven't heard back from them yet, though. They went for a "stock up" trip. They took a big van and a trailer so they will have plenty of space for everything they need. Shane is planning on getting canned goods, meat, gluten free food, diapers, wipes, paper towels, toilet paper, etc...that kind of stuff is way cheaper in Whitehorse. So before he gets back I am going to try to have my cabinets and shelves and spare room all organized so there will be space for everything he brings back. I will get working on that this evening.

Well, here are a couple pictures of when we got Will's portraits done at 8  months. Enjoy!

Friday, September 16, 2011

A couple pictures

Here are a couple photos from this week. As you can see Will is just getting bigger and bigger! Have a great weekend!

Monday, September 12, 2011

A New Week

Well it is Monday again. Today started my second week babysitting a boy named Cody. He is 21 months and a hand full. I am learning how to work with two babies on two different schedules. They play together really well, though, so that's good. By the time I get the hang of it I will begin babysitting a 11 month old. This will be interesting!

We are all looking forward to the Forneys coming back. They will be here Wednesday. They have been gone for over a month.

Thursday will be ladies fellowship again. Hopefully we get a good turnout. A couple ladies have already told me that they will be there. Well...babies are up from naps so I better go. Have a great week!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Finally getting settle back in

Well, I have been home for almost a week now. Things have been crazy around here for me. I spent the weekend cleaning and trying to organize. I am all unpacked but baby's room is still a mess. I am getting to that slowly but surely. Tuesday I started babysitting a little boy named Cody. He is almost 2 years old. It has been a bit of a challenge so far because he really isn't on any kind of a schedule. I am trying to work on that while trying to get Will back on the schedule we were on before we went to PA. It's only the second day of this so I am sure it will just get better from here.

I am looking forward to the ladies' meeting. It will probably be next Thursday. We will be studying Psalm 39. I have been studying it for almost 2 months now (since I was supposed to do it August but got cancelled) and I have learned so much. It just gets better and better. David had so much that he could have complained about but instead he went to the Lord and talked to Him. He realized that he is no better than the enemies he wanted to complain about and then realized he needed to get right with the Lord. The last few verses are David asking God to help him because without God we can do nothing...we would be nothing. God is really teaching me and I can't wait to teach what I have learned to the ladies here.

Well, not much more to update on. So, here are a few pictures. Have a great week!

Will and his friends he had over yesterday. His cousins, Tyra and Tanner, are on his right. Tanner is only one month old. On his left are Cody (the boy I am babysitting) and his cousin, Tamara.

Ready for a walk. It's getting cold fast here!

Will and Tanner