I know, I am two days late posting. I am sorry. It has been a rough past few days with morning sickness. This morning, though, I woke up feeling half decent! I have already done one load of wash and the second just finished in the dryer! Also I dusted the living room, cleaned the bathroom, did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen! It feels soooooooooo good to finally be able to do some work. Now I am a little tired but I really want to finish the laundry before I lay down. I just put the boys (William and his friend Kai) down for their second nap. Their morning nap only lasted a half hour so hopefully the afternoon nap will last much longer. They went down pretty easily so that is a good sign!
On Monday Mr and Mrs Forney had us and our friends Steven and Holly over for supper. Mrs Forney made a caribou roast with potatoes and carrots. It was sooo good. Will especially enjoyed it. He at a lot more than he normally eats. Then Steven and Holly have a little girl same age as William so the two of them had a good time crawling around and getting into everything after supper. It was a really nice evening.
Well, I better go get that laundry done. Have a good rest of the week! Here are a few photos for you!
Will and his friend, Kai
Best Buds
Trying on Dad's hat