Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I know I am a little late, but I wanted to wait to post until I could post some photos. Shane got me a new camera for Christmas so I was taking lots of photos! The first two pictures were taken on Christmas Eve (when Shane gave me my camera). The first at the Christmas Eve service at church and the next picture of Will and TBone on Christmas Eve morning.

These next pictures were taken on Christmas day. The first one is William trying out his new ski-doo sled. It is still too cold to take him outside to use it but I think I will try on Saturday if it's not too windy. He really likes climbing on and off it when it is inside so hopefully he will enjoy it when we take it outside and pull him around in it. 

This picture was taken Christmas night. We gave William a candy cane at about 7 pm. He enjoyed it throughout the hour taking bites and carrying it around while he played. By 7:45 he climbed up on the couch with me, laid down and fell asleep just like that! Haha we think he just crashed from all that sugar. He slept for about a half hour then was up and ready to play again! He really enjoyed his second Christmas!
 We are PRAISING THE LORD right now as a friend of Shane's (whom the church has been praying for since Shane was a kid) got saved! It is so amazing to see answered prayer and even better when it happens around Christmas time! 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas time = Christmas things!

I am excited to be in the week before Christmas. I think the days leading up to Christmas are often more fun than Christmas day (although Christmas day is a ton of fun!) Christmas day goes by soo fast though and you just feel exhausted by supper time. This week leading up to Christmas I am really enjoying myself and enjoying spoiling William and Shane with Christmas treats.

Shane made a list of Christmas desserts he would really like to have so I have been working hard on them and adding a few of my own ideas. So far I have made: banana bread, banana cookies, gingerbread men, sugar cookies with jam filling, forgotten cookies, and peanut butter crunch bars (made with a peanut butter free substitute called pea butter). They all have been really good. We are enjoying them. There are still 2 or 3 more desserts on the list but I am in no rush I still have the rest of the week.

Sunday night we got to go Christmas caroling with our church. We went to the long term care (basically a nursing home at the hospital) and also to the old folks home (an apartment complex with just elderly tenants). At both places we had a great turnout. Both Shane and Mr Forney shared the Gospel between songs. It was a great opportunity. One of my favorite parts of the night was when we were at the hospital. After we sand "The First Noel" one of the elders started singing it in (I think) Inuvialuktun, which is one of the native languages here. Mostly just elders speak it so I don't hear it very often but it was so neat to hear her sing the whole song in that language. Also she sang "O Come All Ye Faithful" in the same language. It was a blessing to hear.

William and I just had a nice afternoon. We played and baked for a little bit then had to run some errands. After the errands we went to the local cafe and shared a strawberry smoothie. It is so much fun now that he is old enough to enjoy those kinds of things with me. He is such a great companion!

Well, have a Merry Christmas!!!


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My William is ONE!!!!!

I can't believe how fast this past year has gone by. On Monday we celebrated William's first birthday! I am soooo thankful for my little boy. He is my best buddy and I don't know what I would do without him. He is just like his dad in how he is so sweet to me. Here are a few photos from his party!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December already!

Well, it is December and William only has one week left before he turns one!!!! I can't believe it. Shane and I keep remembering back to this time last year. I was huge and every day we would wonder if that would be the day William would be born. Now we have had him for a year and it went by too quickly! He has grown so much and he is not a baby anymore. He walks around everywhere now, he waves bye, says hi as people come through the door, folds his hands to pray, blows on his food to cool it down, etc. And this weekend he started a new thing. I used to hold him and rock him and sing him a song before laying him down to nap. But now he won't let me do that anymore! He just leans towards his crib like he wants to lay down. So I lay him down, he rolls over and falls asleep! Proof that I need another baby Haha.

Speaking of baby, this pregnancy is going along smoothly so far. I will be 14 weeks on Wednesday. My morning sickness is basically gone but if I get too hungry I get sick. I heard the baby's heartbeat last Thursday. Heart rate was 158. It was very special to hear that. After I nurse William he will look at my belly and I tell him "baby" and rub my belly. Now he will sit up from eating and rub my belly softly and last night he even leaned down and kissed it! I think that is so neat! I never told him to kiss it and he has never done it before. He is already a good big brother :-)

Well, have a good week. Next week I will get some pictures on here!