Monday, January 14, 2013

William's Fish Pond

Here is a game I made back in October for William and his friend Jolena. It is a fun game that teaches them colors, taking turns, sorting, and coordination. There are all sorts of things you could do with these little fishies, but here is what we do:

I made a lot of these little fishies (7 of each color). A friend let me borrow her laminator so I laminated them all so they will last for a while.

I dump them all on the floor, we call this the fish pond. I tell them which color to find and they take turns finding one at a time of that color. They put them into the "fish tank" (a plastic container) as they find them.


They just love this game. Over the past couple months they have discovered all sorts of ways to play this game. I have hid them around the room for them to find them. They really liked that.

Anyways, I just wanted to share this fun game with anyone who might be searching for something to do with their toddler :-)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I'm still here!

I am so sorry that it has been over a month since I posted! I used to think my blog was hardly read but I just looked at the statistics from December. I had over 200 visits to my blog from all over the world :US, Canada, Israel, United Kingdom, Moldova, Germany and Poland! Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my blog. I know I do not post as often as I probably should but I will try to work on the in 2013.

We are currently planning my parents' 3rd visit to Inuvik. I am so excited for them to come meet Jenna. They will also be able to experience the Muskrat Jamboree while they are here (April). It's nice to have something like that to look forward to.

Last month Shane and I were in charge of putting together the Christmas play at church. We decided to do an all kids cast. We had 17 kids, ages 4-11. It was A LOT of work and very challenging but in the end it was worth it (like all things for the Lord are). The night of the play the kids did an awesome job and even better than that, a lot of unsaved parents, family, and friends were there to here the Gospel. After the play Pastor Forney gave a challenge. While he was preaching I noticed one of the men of the church praying. I thought to myself he must be praying for those who are unsaved here. Then when I looked around I noticed that a large portion of the people there were his family: his kids, grandkids, and great grandkids. Then the thought came to my mind: when was the last time I prayed for my unsaved family? So that is my "New Year's Resolution", to pray for my unsaved family and to get a real burden for their soul. I challenge you to do the same. Who knows, maybe 2013 will be the year the Lord returns. We can't waste it the time we have.

This past year I read all the way through my Bible for the very first time. Pastor Forney challenged the church to. I had been wanting to do it for a while so I thought that was a good opportunity since a lot of people from church were doing it, too. I really enjoyed it. So much that I am starting it all over again this year. I am so excited to learn more and more about the Lord. This time, though, I am reading it through chronologically. I thought that sounded neat. If you have never read the Bible all the way through, I highly suggest it.

Anyways, that's a little bit of what is going on here. I will post more next week. Happy New Year everyone!!