Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Last night Angie and I had a good time with the guitar. First we had her guitar lesson which started around 7:20 or so. We were finished by 8:15 then worked on a song she had written. She had all the words written out and what note was to be played above the words. So we started putting the notes on a staff. We had to figure out what kind of note it would be (how long it would be held out) and other stuff like that. By the time we were completely done it was 5 pages of music and 9:50! We couldn't believe how fast time went by. Neither of us had ever done anything like that so we sorta learned together how to do it. Sometime this week we are going to finish it. We didn't figure out what chords should be used yet. So we are excited to see it all out on paper finished.