Well, this past weekend was our missions conference. We had Pastor Snow from Ohio as our main speaker and we had missionaries Todd and Jodi Holland also. They are on deputation right now and planning on serving the Lord in the Sahtu Region here in the North. As far as I know they will, Lord willing, be back up here by next January to stay (In the Sahtu region, that is). Right now there is no preacher there. There are several communities within the Sahtu Region. The Forneys were there but needed to come to Inuvik so Mr Forney could train Shane. Having the Hollands there will be a great answer to prayer. So please continue to pray for them as they travel across the States on deputation.
My Bible Lesson at the Healthy Babies got cancelled :-( But the Lord knows and has it all planned out according to His perfect will. I know I will get in there eventually to teach them about the Bible but I am not sure when. Please pray that it will be before I have the baby. I am praying that it will be either at the end of this month or the beginning of May.
I will be 31 weeks along in my pregnancy tomorrow. Things are going very well so far. Thankyou for all your prayers. It is a little more tiring being pregnant this time since I have a toddler to take care of. But he is a great little helper and I know that he will do great once baby is here. He picks things up for me when I drop them so I don't have to bend over (haha). He hands me the soaps and such to put back in the shower after I clean it and he feeds the dog (all I do is open the lid for him, he can do the rest himself). I am so thankful for such a great buddy! Speaking of William, I need to go get him up from his nap. Here are a couple photos from the Muskrat Jamboree yesterday. It was really really windy and very cold. We only lasted 10-15 minutes out on the ice at a time before we needed to go warm up in the truck again!

i miss you sands!