Thursday, August 8, 2013

My First Quiet Book Page

I have been slowly working on my quiet book. This week I actually got 3 pages done but I will only share my first two for now. Before starting my quiet book I read a lot of blogs about them. I studied lots of designs and techniques and tried to decide what I liked and what I didn't like. I started with one that looked easy but very attractive and also very useful. I don't like the quiet book pages that don't have some sort of educational value...or at least something the kids can play with on it. I am not the greatest with my sewing machine but I like the way my first page turned out.

The page on the left is sewn to the white felt. The page on the right has a pocket (I cut up an old receiving blanket to use for the pocket) and holds the numbers that can be matched up to the numbers on the left side. The only thing I don't like about this is that the velcro on the back of the numbers attaches to the other numbers while in the pocket and makes it sort of pull at the felt numbers...makes it look a little frizzy. I think that it can be done without the velcro because really the felt sticks to felt pretty well. I did this all with the machine simply because I am too impatient to do it by hand :-)

Here is the link to where I got the free template for the numbers: FREE NUMBERS TEMPLATE

I haven't decided yet if I will sew all the pages together or three hole punch them and put into a binder. I just can't decide which way I like better. Yesterday I finished another page, a space ship page, which I will share with you soon. It still needs a couple embellishments. And my football page will be sewn up today or tomorrow. I really love making this quiet book because of the endless possibilities. I get ideas from pages then I can just do it however I like it. Have any of you looked into making a quiet book?? Let me know how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. The binder would be a cool idea cuz then you could add pages later if you wished.
