Slowly but surely I am getting these pages done. I still have enough material for a couple more pages but I don't know if they will get done in time or not.
These are awful photos, I apologize. Also these are my two messiest pages. I am trying to go too fast to get them done. Oh well. William will care more about what they do than what they look like.
So this page is to teach him how to button and unbutton things. The balloons are attached to the present so I don't have to worry about losing pieces.
This one is a marble maze. Wherever you see a line it is sewn. And the marble is in between the two pieces of fabric. So he works the marble from the top of the page to the bottom.
Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence [is] fulness of joy; at thy right hand [there are] pleasures for evermore.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Merry almost Christmas!
Today is exactly two weeks until Christmas. It's the most wonderful time of the year! I am enjoying all the Christmas music and counting all the Christmas lights with William everytime we drive somewhere. We are doing a few Christmas crafts and treats here and there, too. All the Christmas presents are bought and just a couple last touches to some homemade gifts. I just love Christmas!
We are just a week and a half away from our church's Christmas play. It is coming along so nicely. We are doing "A Peanut Butter Christmas" by Ron Hamilton. It's such a cute play that teaches the real reason for celebrating Christmas: Jesus. It's funny because I remember acting in that play at High Point when I was in 3rd grade.
We are in our time of darkness now. December 5th was the last day the sun rose. It was a beautiful sunrise at about 11:30 am. The sky was beautiful pink and yellow and orange! So pretty! It is now 11:30 am and it is dusk outside. It will get "light" out for a few hours but we won't see the sun. By next week we won't see any daytime at all but it quickly returns by January. Then on January 10th or so the sun will make a quick appearance. Then a little more and more each day. By April the sun will be up early and staying up past 9 pm. By mid June the sun will stay up all night. I love the midnight sun so much. It makes having dark winters not seem so bad.
So, the next time I see the sun will be January 11th in Philadelphia :-) just a month away!!!
Here's a couple photos. Merry CHRISTmas!!
Here was the last sunrise for 2013. The picture doesn't do it justice.
We are just a week and a half away from our church's Christmas play. It is coming along so nicely. We are doing "A Peanut Butter Christmas" by Ron Hamilton. It's such a cute play that teaches the real reason for celebrating Christmas: Jesus. It's funny because I remember acting in that play at High Point when I was in 3rd grade.
We are in our time of darkness now. December 5th was the last day the sun rose. It was a beautiful sunrise at about 11:30 am. The sky was beautiful pink and yellow and orange! So pretty! It is now 11:30 am and it is dusk outside. It will get "light" out for a few hours but we won't see the sun. By next week we won't see any daytime at all but it quickly returns by January. Then on January 10th or so the sun will make a quick appearance. Then a little more and more each day. By April the sun will be up early and staying up past 9 pm. By mid June the sun will stay up all night. I love the midnight sun so much. It makes having dark winters not seem so bad.
So, the next time I see the sun will be January 11th in Philadelphia :-) just a month away!!!
Here's a couple photos. Merry CHRISTmas!!
Here was the last sunrise for 2013. The picture doesn't do it justice.
Some Christmas stockings I crocheted to sell
Friday, November 22, 2013
My Prayer Journal
I have found myself in the past year or so spending less and less time praying. I read my Bible and say a quick prayer before I start my day then I am off doing whatever it is that needs done that day. I have realized that in living that way I am completely relying on my own strength to be a godly mother, wife, friend, etc. No wonder I keep failing!
I have begun to read the book "The Burden Bearer" by Paul Chappell. I am only 70% through the book (I love how my kindle tells me that) and already the Lord has been changing my heart. I am realizing how little I actually give to the Burden Bearer and how much I attempt to carry all on my own! This led me to see how little time I put into prayer. And not just praying for the things I need but praying for other's needs as well.
So I found an old notebook we have had sitting around for years and started labeling the pages. The first page I put my family. I listed each member of my family and ways I need to pray for them. It's nice to have scripture references next to certain ones. Some more examples of the pages I have are : missionaries, extended family, Facebook requests (after making this page I realized how often Facebook friends ask for prayer), Wednesday night prayer meeting requests, etc. These are just some of the ones I thought of. Anyway, it is amazing to see the Lord answering prayers. When I hear an answer to a prayer it's such a blessing. I have found it has caused me to start caring for other people, too, now that I am praying for them on a regular basis.
Well, I guess this sort of turned into rambling but I hope it has encouraged you to pray for others more. And to hand things over to our Burden Bearer instead of trying to handle things on our own.
I have begun to read the book "The Burden Bearer" by Paul Chappell. I am only 70% through the book (I love how my kindle tells me that) and already the Lord has been changing my heart. I am realizing how little I actually give to the Burden Bearer and how much I attempt to carry all on my own! This led me to see how little time I put into prayer. And not just praying for the things I need but praying for other's needs as well.
So I found an old notebook we have had sitting around for years and started labeling the pages. The first page I put my family. I listed each member of my family and ways I need to pray for them. It's nice to have scripture references next to certain ones. Some more examples of the pages I have are : missionaries, extended family, Facebook requests (after making this page I realized how often Facebook friends ask for prayer), Wednesday night prayer meeting requests, etc. These are just some of the ones I thought of. Anyway, it is amazing to see the Lord answering prayers. When I hear an answer to a prayer it's such a blessing. I have found it has caused me to start caring for other people, too, now that I am praying for them on a regular basis.
Well, I guess this sort of turned into rambling but I hope it has encouraged you to pray for others more. And to hand things over to our Burden Bearer instead of trying to handle things on our own.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Still Crafting
Sorry it has been so long since my last post! We got a new computer and it doesn't like so I couldn't get to my photos to put them on here. But I decided just to use my kindle and see if it works to post some of my latest projects from here!
First we have the kids' aprons I made for them. This isn't the best photo of the aprons, but it will have to do. The kids love baking with me, especially making bread (that's what they are doing in the photo). So I got an old apron of mine and cut it down to Williams size and put a batman logo applique on it. He's all about batman so he's thrilled with the apron :-) Then I took Will's apron and used it as a pattern for Jenna' s apron. Hers is much more girly with a pink heart with yellow polka dots and matching sash and ties.
Next is the next page in the quiet book. A telephone. I used ric-rac for the phone cord and under each button I put a little piece of a grocery bag. This makes the numbers poof a little bit and gives them a bit of a noise when you press it (not a loud noise though).
And last I have the kids' mukluks. Will's aren't completely finished yet. I am still trying to find the right colors to make the tassles that will tie around the top (you can sort of see them on Jenna' s). These mukluks are traditional footwear. People wear them everywhere once the snow comes out. The sole is made of moose hide so it is thick and warm. The inside liner (which you can't see in these pictures) is made of duffle which is also nice and warm. I know these aren't the best photos because I am using my kindle, sorry. But if you want to see the mukluks up and close just come see us in PA in 67 days :-)
Happy crafting everyone!
Monday, September 9, 2013
2nd and 3rd Quiet Book Pages
Sorry it has been so long since my last post. These two quiet book pages have been done for weeks but I haven't had internet at home so I couldn't post them up. But here they are!
Sorry, it would probably be nicer if the pictures were more up close, but oh well. First we have an outer space page. I used beads to make 'loops' for the space ship to fly under and over. The space ship is attached to the page using gimp. I have so much gimp from when I worked at Camp Sankanac. Anyway, originally I planned on having the string connected from one planet to the next but then decided Will might have more fun with it if it could fly wherever he wanted it to go. So, it is only connected to the first planet.
The next page is a football page. I made button holes up and down the football to loop the shoe lace on. I got the shoe lace for free :-) Haha...I am doing my best to make this book low cost. Anyway, I didn't sew the shoe lace in place. I still might, maybe just at the bottom loops. That way Will can loop it in and out, too. Then obviously, he can learn how to tie a bow using this page.
Both these pages I just made up on my own. I didn't follow any pattern. My next page (a pirate page) I am following a pattern, though. Hopefully I will be posting that up soon for you all to see!
Before I finish off this post, I have to share a short story. Sunday morning one of my Sunday School students came up to me. He asked 'When the earth was created, God just said it right?' I said yes. He said "So, He just said it and it happened?' I said yes. Then he said, 'That book lied.' I asked him what book and he said he read that there were a bunch of rocks and dust and it exploded and the earth was created. Then he asked me why people would want to believe a lie. I told him some people just don't want to believe what God said. It was so exciting. Knowing that we believe what we believe because that's what God said was enough for him. I guess this is the child like faith Christ spoke about. :-)
Thursday, August 8, 2013
My First Quiet Book Page
I have been slowly working on my quiet book. This week I actually got 3 pages done but I will only share my first two for now. Before starting my quiet book I read a lot of blogs about them. I studied lots of designs and techniques and tried to decide what I liked and what I didn't like. I started with one that looked easy but very attractive and also very useful. I don't like the quiet book pages that don't have some sort of educational value...or at least something the kids can play with on it. I am not the greatest with my sewing machine but I like the way my first page turned out.
The page on the left is sewn to the white felt. The page on the right has a pocket (I cut up an old receiving blanket to use for the pocket) and holds the numbers that can be matched up to the numbers on the left side. The only thing I don't like about this is that the velcro on the back of the numbers attaches to the other numbers while in the pocket and makes it sort of pull at the felt numbers...makes it look a little frizzy. I think that it can be done without the velcro because really the felt sticks to felt pretty well. I did this all with the machine simply because I am too impatient to do it by hand :-)
Here is the link to where I got the free template for the numbers: FREE NUMBERS TEMPLATE
I haven't decided yet if I will sew all the pages together or three hole punch them and put into a binder. I just can't decide which way I like better. Yesterday I finished another page, a space ship page, which I will share with you soon. It still needs a couple embellishments. And my football page will be sewn up today or tomorrow. I really love making this quiet book because of the endless possibilities. I get ideas from pages then I can just do it however I like it. Have any of you looked into making a quiet book?? Let me know how it goes!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
July Events and Recipes
Canada Day (July 1)
Our friends took us on a boat ride
Independence Day
I just love that face Jenn is making.
I have been trying some of my pinterest recipes lately. I am aiming for healthier (but just as yummy) suppers. I found a keeper! Everyone loves it....especially me because I don't feel guilty eating it! It is an alfredo sauce made from cauliflower. Only 50 calories for half a cup! And it tastes soooo good! Here is the link! You have to try it!!
Saturday, June 15, 2013
My God is an Awesome God
Last week I started teaching my Sunday school some characteristics of God. I asked them to tell me what they think of when they think of God. They gave me some very interesting descriptions...some slightly accurate, but mostly not accurate at all. Shane suggested that I teach them what the Bible says about how God looks. I started studying it, reading verses about what God looks like and it is so amazing. I got the descriptions from the Bible then googled images for those specific descriptions. So I have a lot of photos to show the kids along with the description. For example, in Revelation it says that God has the appearance of jasper and sardine stone. So I googled jasper and sardine stone and got images for those things to show the kids. I did that with each description I found. It is a very neat thing to study and I am very glad I did it. I encourage you to go read about God and what He looks like. It makes me just a little more excited to get to heaven :-)
Here are a couple verses to get you started:
Genesis 1:27
Revelation 19:11-16
Revelation 1:12-15
Revelation 4:3
Here are a couple verses to get you started:
Genesis 1:27
Revelation 19:11-16
Revelation 1:12-15
Revelation 4:3
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Quiet Books
Has anyone ever made a quiet book? I have been pinning a ton of quiet book page ideas on pinterest along with making some of my own. Shane bought me some felt last night so I do believe I now have nothing stopping me from starting a quiet book for the kids! I will start with one for William. If it is extremely stressful and not so much fun I will stop there and the two of them can share it. BUT if I really enjoy (which I think I will) then I will make one for Jenn, too. I am hoping to have them done for our trip in January...maybe let them open them up on the plane or something. We will see :-) I will post pictures as I finish pages so you all can see the progress. And if anyone has ever done one before and wants to share some advice, please do so!!
Friday, May 24, 2013
I am very happy to announce that I will be in Pennsylvania on January 11, 2014! I fly out of Inuvik on the 10th, and over night in Edmonton. Either my mom or one of my sisters will meet me there then we will all fly to PA on the 11th. I will be travelling with William and Jenna. This will be William's 3rd time making the trip and Jenna's first. William LOVED it last time and did great and since Jenna is complete opposite of him I am preparing for the worst. Haha. No, I think she will do fine. I am just thankful I will have help for the hard part of the trip.
I will be in PA until February 13 so if anyone is interested in getting together during that time please let me know! I would love to see as many of my friends as possible while I am down there. Shane will be arriving on February 2 to spend the last 10 days of the trip with us.
I am just so thankful the Lord worked this trip out for us and I really want to praise him for it. It is an expensive trip. We have to pay for all but Jenna's tickets (since she is under 2). It would cost over $6,000 for all of us but since we had points I don't think Shane paid more than $900 total!
Anyway, so I am very excited.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Spring Time
I think it is is hard to tell sometimes. I saw a quote the other day that would describe our weather very well, "What a nice winter we are having this spring." That about covers it. Earlier this week we had lovely weather even rising above freezing for a couple hours! But then yesterday a blizzard blew in and today is no different. STRONG winds and some snow. It is so cold outside! But, it can't stay cold forever can it? I just keep thinking one day we will go outside to play in the warm sunshine! One day! But all in all I can't complain. Things are going very well here and my children are growing and learning so fast.
I haven't put up any photos for a while. Here are two photos that were taken a couple weeks ago at the Muskrat Jamboree.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
An Encouraging Afternoon
I just wanted to share these encouraging verses. It is not always easy to wait on the Lord but it is always worth it :-)
Proverbs 13:12- Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.
Lamentations 3:24-26- The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him. The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord.
Psalm 27:14- Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Proverbs 1:4-5---To give subtilty to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion. A wise man will hear , and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels:
Subtilty means "explanation". If I am going to be able to give explanation to my children I need to proceed to verse 5: hear, increase learning, attain unto wise counsels.
1. Hear the whole story before disciplining
2. Hear the truth, not just what I want to hear
3. Increase learning through: personal devotions and Bible studies, preaching, reading books about the Bible and about teaching
4. Attain unto wise counsels: my husband, my preacher, godly mothers and women
My study started out with instruction to me. If I plan on doing it right, doing it God's way, I have to follow this guideline. Hear, increase learning, and attain unto wise counsels. The Lord doesn't want us to take our children and just "wing it" as we try to raise them. He has given us help through His Word and other Christians to do it the right way. Praise the Lord!
1. Hear the whole story before disciplining
2. Hear the truth, not just what I want to hear
3. Increase learning through: personal devotions and Bible studies, preaching, reading books about the Bible and about teaching
4. Attain unto wise counsels: my husband, my preacher, godly mothers and women
My study started out with instruction to me. If I plan on doing it right, doing it God's way, I have to follow this guideline. Hear, increase learning, and attain unto wise counsels. The Lord doesn't want us to take our children and just "wing it" as we try to raise them. He has given us help through His Word and other Christians to do it the right way. Praise the Lord!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Child Training from Proverbs
While my mom was here last month I was bombarding her with questions about handling situations with William. I was trying to get as much "been there, done that" advice that I could. Before she left she told me that I should take a look through Proverbs and the notes she had put in her Bible over the years about child training. (She gave me her Bible when I moved to the North in 2009). Anyway, the day after she left I got a pen and a notebook and started reading through Proverbs and writing down anything that I should be teaching William. I couldn't believe how much stuff I could be, should be teaching him. Things about lying, stealing, temper control, attitude, working hard, obeying...basically every thing and situation he will ever face in life the Lord teaches how to handle it in Proverbs. I am only in chapter 13 and I already have over 60 things I should be teaching William! I will share some of my study as the weeks go on, but for now I challenge you (especially you mothers) to go to the Bible and see for yourself what the Lord expects us to teach our children. You know how a coach gives his team a good pep talk before a game? Well, that's sort of how I feel every morning after reading from Proverbs. It's a "here, this is what you need to do- now go do it!" sort of thing. And it's a great reminder and challenge for myself because for me to teach William those things he HAS to see it in my life. Things like working hard, giving to others, holding my will he learn these things if I am not doing it myself?
Ok, go get into Proverbs!
Monday, February 25, 2013
Spring is near! Well, almost. Today it is only -24 (C)! I am planning on bringing the kids out to play this afternoon. It will be the first time since December I think. I really really miss being outside. Now that we moved I have been enjoying walking to church each Sunday and Wednesday but that's not quite the same as going outside and letting the kids run around and throw snow and make snow angels. It's so nice the sun has been starting to show around 9:30 or so and not going down until after 7! In just another month or so we will have the sun until after 9! The Lord sure is good. He knew the dark winter would be hard so he gives us the long summer days to look forward to :-)
I have been having a lot of fun learning how to take pictures and edit them myself. I thought I would share a couple of them here.
This was supposed to be an Easter photo but William insisted on wearing his football shirt and my Easterish props aren't very visible lol. Oh well.
William and his best friend, Jolena, wearing their parkas. I made William's and Jolena's mom made hers.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
What a busy month!
A lot has happened since I last posted! On January 29th my parents flew in for a visit. That night we moved to a new home. My parents were able to be here for the move (which was just a coincidence) and help with watching the kids. The Lord sure is good to do that for us! My parents stayed for 2 weeks and just left on Monday. I am so thankful that they got to be here for as long as they were here. It was such a blessing and an encouragement. I can't wait until I see them again. Hopefully it will be me visiting them next time!
Here are a couple of pictures from my parents' visit:

Here are a couple of pictures from my parents' visit:
Me and Will on the ice road
My parents and Will at our church
Will and Jenna with both sets of grandparents
Better get your pen and paper out if you want the recipe to caribou head soup. Well, it might be easy to remember: caribou head and water. Cook @350 for 3-4 hours. Add rice.
I am glad I didn't try to do this myself!
Soup's ready!

Me and my parents at Tuk Baptist Church
Monday, January 14, 2013
William's Fish Pond
Here is a game I made back in October for William and his friend Jolena. It is a fun game that teaches them colors, taking turns, sorting, and coordination. There are all sorts of things you could do with these little fishies, but here is what we do:
I made a lot of these little fishies (7 of each color). A friend let me borrow her laminator so I laminated them all so they will last for a while.
I dump them all on the floor, we call this the fish pond. I tell them which color to find and they take turns finding one at a time of that color. They put them into the "fish tank" (a plastic container) as they find them.
They just love this game. Over the past couple months they have discovered all sorts of ways to play this game. I have hid them around the room for them to find them. They really liked that.
Anyways, I just wanted to share this fun game with anyone who might be searching for something to do with their toddler :-)
Saturday, January 5, 2013
I'm still here!
I am so sorry that it has been over a month since I posted! I used to think my blog was hardly read but I just looked at the statistics from December. I had over 200 visits to my blog from all over the world :US, Canada, Israel, United Kingdom, Moldova, Germany and Poland! Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my blog. I know I do not post as often as I probably should but I will try to work on the in 2013.
We are currently planning my parents' 3rd visit to Inuvik. I am so excited for them to come meet Jenna. They will also be able to experience the Muskrat Jamboree while they are here (April). It's nice to have something like that to look forward to.
Last month Shane and I were in charge of putting together the Christmas play at church. We decided to do an all kids cast. We had 17 kids, ages 4-11. It was A LOT of work and very challenging but in the end it was worth it (like all things for the Lord are). The night of the play the kids did an awesome job and even better than that, a lot of unsaved parents, family, and friends were there to here the Gospel. After the play Pastor Forney gave a challenge. While he was preaching I noticed one of the men of the church praying. I thought to myself he must be praying for those who are unsaved here. Then when I looked around I noticed that a large portion of the people there were his family: his kids, grandkids, and great grandkids. Then the thought came to my mind: when was the last time I prayed for my unsaved family? So that is my "New Year's Resolution", to pray for my unsaved family and to get a real burden for their soul. I challenge you to do the same. Who knows, maybe 2013 will be the year the Lord returns. We can't waste it the time we have.
This past year I read all the way through my Bible for the very first time. Pastor Forney challenged the church to. I had been wanting to do it for a while so I thought that was a good opportunity since a lot of people from church were doing it, too. I really enjoyed it. So much that I am starting it all over again this year. I am so excited to learn more and more about the Lord. This time, though, I am reading it through chronologically. I thought that sounded neat. If you have never read the Bible all the way through, I highly suggest it.
Anyways, that's a little bit of what is going on here. I will post more next week. Happy New Year everyone!!
We are currently planning my parents' 3rd visit to Inuvik. I am so excited for them to come meet Jenna. They will also be able to experience the Muskrat Jamboree while they are here (April). It's nice to have something like that to look forward to.
Last month Shane and I were in charge of putting together the Christmas play at church. We decided to do an all kids cast. We had 17 kids, ages 4-11. It was A LOT of work and very challenging but in the end it was worth it (like all things for the Lord are). The night of the play the kids did an awesome job and even better than that, a lot of unsaved parents, family, and friends were there to here the Gospel. After the play Pastor Forney gave a challenge. While he was preaching I noticed one of the men of the church praying. I thought to myself he must be praying for those who are unsaved here. Then when I looked around I noticed that a large portion of the people there were his family: his kids, grandkids, and great grandkids. Then the thought came to my mind: when was the last time I prayed for my unsaved family? So that is my "New Year's Resolution", to pray for my unsaved family and to get a real burden for their soul. I challenge you to do the same. Who knows, maybe 2013 will be the year the Lord returns. We can't waste it the time we have.
This past year I read all the way through my Bible for the very first time. Pastor Forney challenged the church to. I had been wanting to do it for a while so I thought that was a good opportunity since a lot of people from church were doing it, too. I really enjoyed it. So much that I am starting it all over again this year. I am so excited to learn more and more about the Lord. This time, though, I am reading it through chronologically. I thought that sounded neat. If you have never read the Bible all the way through, I highly suggest it.
Anyways, that's a little bit of what is going on here. I will post more next week. Happy New Year everyone!!
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