Thursday, March 14, 2013

Child Training from Proverbs

While my mom was here last month I was bombarding her with questions about handling situations with William. I was trying to get as much "been there, done that" advice that I could. Before she left she told me that I should take a look through Proverbs and the notes she had put in her Bible over the years about child training. (She gave me her Bible when I moved to the North in 2009). Anyway, the day after she left I got a pen and a notebook and started reading through Proverbs and writing down anything that I should be teaching William. I couldn't believe how much stuff I could be, should be teaching him. Things about lying, stealing, temper control, attitude, working hard, obeying...basically every thing and situation he will ever face in life the Lord teaches how to handle it in Proverbs. I am only in chapter 13 and I already have over 60 things I should be teaching William! I will share some of my study as the weeks go on, but for now I challenge you (especially you mothers) to go to the Bible and see for yourself what the Lord expects us to teach our children. You know how a coach gives his team a good pep talk before a game? Well, that's sort of how I feel every morning after reading from Proverbs. It's a "here, this is what you need to do- now go do it!" sort of thing. And it's a great reminder and challenge for myself because for me to teach William those things he HAS to see it in my life. Things like working hard, giving to others, holding my will he learn these things if I am not doing it myself?

Ok, go get into Proverbs!

1 comment:

  1. I will try to do this as well! I have looked somewhat at it before but in great detail. We need God's help to know how to handle every situation with our little ones. :) Showing them how to obey through our own lives is oh so important. I have learned a lot about myself since having Christiana. :)
