Some of you may know that tomorrow (February 22) our chuch will be voting on whether or not to call Shane as Pastor. We have been without a pastor for several months now and it is time the church makes a decision. They may vote yes. If so, Shane will accept the position and we will happily serve the Lord in Inuvik until the Lord sees fit to move us along. They may vote no. If so, Shane and I will be fervently searching and praying for the Lord to direct us where He would like us to serve Him.
There were times in the past weeks I have felt very anxious, nervous, even fearful about the outcome of the vote. But I am so thankful that a friend (unknowingly) directed me to I Thessalonians 5:18, " In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
I love how the Lord puts things so plainly for people like myself. He says just give thanks. That's my will for you right now.
So I want to thank the Lord. Thank Him for my husband, my children, my friends and family. Thank Him for the beauty I see in His creation every day. Thank Him for His Word and the blessings I can receive from it. Thank Him for the church that I have been able to serve Him in. Thank Him for my salvation and for what He has done for me.
And in whatever direction the Lord leads I will thank Him that He is the one leading.
Praying for you guys as you seek Him about what exciting things He has next for you all. :) It is always wise to just take it step by step, even little baby steps. That's how I feel in a current situation of my own. I feel clueless as to what to do and I can't see the whole picture, but I can follow the Lord step by step and trust the future into His hands. He is a wonderful guide and He holds my hand all the way. :)