Shane and I made a team and joined a program called "Walk to Tuk." As a team we need to walk the distance from Fort Providence to Tuk, which is a little over 1,650 KMs. We have 8 weeks to do this. It's fun to be part of such a big project. You can see the map and all the teams involved
here if you are interested. Our team name is Ice Breakers. We have 8 people on our team. One of our team members wrote a short story to be submitted on the Walk to Tuk website. I am sure she won't mind if I share it here:
My Hike Up Ol’ Baldy
As a stay at home mother of two young children, I decided to join the Walk to Tuk Challenge in hopes of motivating myself to get back into shape and to get outdoors more often during the long winter months. We moved to Inuvik only a short while ago, without a vehicle and only a stroller for wheels. Therefore, I have not had the opportunity to leave town yet. I was thrilled when one sunny afternoon, my fellow teammate and I decided to go for a hike on the outskirts of town. Our destination…Ol’ Baldy, a massive hill overlooking Inuvik. Once we arrived to the base of the hill (which resembled a mountain to this prairie girl), we began the arduous task of climbing to the top. We huffed and puffed our way up, but it was well worth it. When we reached the summit, we stopped to gaze at the picturesque view that met our eyes. In front of us lay the town of Inuvik and the patchwork of water that make up the Delta, as far as the eye could see! Once again I was struck by the beauty that surrounds us in our great Canadian North. As we rolled, slid, and tumbled our way back down the hill, I was grateful for participating in the Walk to Tuk. How lucky am I to be able to explore such beautiful territory that is literally found in my backyard! It has been such a rejuvenating experience, exercising in the outdoors and taking in all the beauty that is found in the boundless arctic landscape. Christine Cyr.

Christine (left) Kate (right)
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