Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pay It Forward

1. I will make a little something of the first 3 people who comment on this post. It will be a surprise and it will arrive when you least expect it.

2. I will have 365 days to do it in. What's the catch? To get a handmade present from me, you have to play too! This means YOU pledge to send a little handmade something for 3 readers of your blog. It doesn't have to be quilty - just handmade!

3. You must have a blog.
4. Once you comment here, you must post about your Pay It Forward on your blog to keep the fun going - with the Pay It Forward badge.


  1. Glad you are joining in! :) You do fine making stuff. I finished my afghan this week...yeah, the one I started in college. :) I will post pictures soon so you can see it.

  2. William is adorable!! We love the pictures and we are so thankful that you all are doing so well!! We look forward to talking to you all again soon and seeing more pictures!
    Matt and Becky Flegal
