Thursday, June 28, 2012

Father's Day

This photo was taken on Father's Day. Shane is a great father and we are so thankful for him!

These next two photos remind me of the poem "Footprints In the Sand." The Lord holds our hands when we   need help but sometimes we just need Him to carry us instead. The Lord is always ready and willing to help us through rough times and carry us through even rougher times.

I love the William is looking at his baby sister. He loves her so much. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Half way through June!

Seems for the past 9 months I couldn't wait for June to get here and now we are already half way through it! I can't believe how fast time has been going these past few weeks! Jennifer will be 2 weeks old tomorrow! Already! I just can't get over it.

I am counting down the days until I see my sisters. They will be here July 11! I am so excited for them to see where I live, meet my friends and church family, see how much Will has changed and learned, and of course to meet Jennifer. It will be so nice to have them here!

Then just a week after they leave we will be packing up for our first road trip as a family. We will drive 4-5 days to Calgary then after spending a couple days there drive to Edmonton then start the drive back home. It will be so much fun. We are looking forward to showing William so many new things. One of the things we are most excited about is taking him to the Calgary Zoo. William LOVES animals so he will really enjoy that!

Well, have a good week everyone!

Monday, June 4, 2012

She is here!

As most of you already know, Jennifer Liz Marie Gordon arrived on May 30, 2012 at 4:26 pm. My water broke at 3 am but labor never started naturally. It would have, but we had no idea how long it would take. Once the water breaks you only have 18 hours to get the baby out before infection can happen. So, they thought it best to induce me at 10 am. I was in active labor by 1:15pm. The labor pains came strong and not gradually like natural labor. By 4 I decided I wanted an epidural. Once they got the epidural in it was minutes later that Jennifer was born. I guess my body just needed to relax. I am praising the Lord for giving me such a quick recovery. I am in very very little pain and feel up to most my regular chores around the house. I am trying to rest but I just can't rest when my house is messy lol. So, I will slowly get things back into order and rest in between things. William loves his little sister. Although she is only 5 days old I can't imagine life without her. She     fits perfectly into our family and we just love her so much!! Thank you, Lord!