Monday, August 30, 2010

God is Good

We are now 1 week away from moving to Aklavik. We are both pretty excited about it. Our last few weeks here have been sort of busy. We had a youth activity on August 21. It was a good time. We are learning a little more of what to do and what not to do at activities. For example, we have learned to start them at 6:00 that way people will start showing up by 7:00. This last time we started it at 7:00 but there weren't enough people for a game until 8:00. It gets too late that way. So...we will just start them earlier. are a few photos of the Bible trivia game Shane put together. Shane asking questions...Jessica, Alex, Norman, and Steven
Kate just watching the game

Also this past week I got a slightly unexpected babysitting job. Since Easter I was planning on watching these kids for the summer but then they went to Tuk for July and were spending time with their cousins for the first week or so of August so I figured that they didn't need me this summer after all. Shane and I looked around to see if anyone needed a babysitter but found nothing. So we prayed and asked God to send me a babysitting job for August. Then last Monday morning their dad came knocking at our door at 8 am and said he really needed a babysitter. So I babysat all last week and will again this week. God is so good in how He provides in His perfect timing.

Here is a picture of the girls I am babysitting (they are the twins I babysat last spring). They fell asleep while watching a 3D movie (which should explain the silly glasses they are wearing).

Then I also included a picture of the pup we are watching. She likes to sleep, too. And last but not least here's a silly video of my Shane. It's taken at Gwichin Park.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

25 Weeks Along

Although I have already sent these pictures to most of your emails I don't think that you all actually check your email so I decided to post a couple pictures up here for those of you who haven't seen them. Wow...I think that might be a run-on. Yeah, it is for sure. Anyway....

The first picture is me at 22 weeks pregnant and the other was taken today, 25 weeks pregnant.

Friday, August 20, 2010

A Few More Pictures

T-Bone is one crazy pup. He belongs to Shane's mom and we puppysit him every now and then. He is very hairy and looks hilarious when I take him for walks and the wind blows his hair back. Just took this picture for fun. I love how it is starting to get dark now! (This was taken at about midnight).
What a pretty sunset. It has been a while since we saw one.

Well, believe it or not I am looking forward to the cold darkness to come back. Although I love summer...I love the winter!! haha....only another month or two and I can start wearing my scarf and mittens again!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Pictures

I really like that everyone is posting pictures. It's fun. So here are some of my pictures from the past few days...

These first ones might need some explaining...we have a squirrel that has been making our home his home for the past few months. When we are away house sitting for a few days we come back and we can tell he has been in there feasting away on whatever he could. This past week we were home and he was quite surprised when he popped into the kitchen and saw me sitting at the table. So after that we really started working hard to get him. We caught him in a trap twice but both times he got out before Shane could kill him. So Shane filled up his CO2 tank and bought paintballs and was going to have a little fun hunting him. This first picture is Shane practicing shooting:Then Friday night he went out hunting for him...Then Saturday we realized that every morning the squirrel wakes us up by chirping right outside our bedroom window. So we decided to put the trap on the porch that is right by our window. Sure enough by Saturday night he was in the trap and Shane caught him before he got out. You cannot imagine our joy! No more smelly, germy squirrel creeping around my house!! This picture is Shane getting rid of can sorta see his tail hanging off the shovel...Then Sunday morning we woke up to another squirrel trapped in our trap. Sadly, he got out before Shane could kill this one. So you can imagine how sour we were when we found out there were actually 2 squirrels and 1 is still out there. Grr. is a less disturbing picture. This is my niece, Tamara. It took Shane 5 minutes and bribing her with a lollipop to put that moose hat on and let me take a picture.
My final picture is just a random one of our friends: Kate is on the left and Angie on the right.

Friday, August 6, 2010

365 Project

Well, I, too have started the 365 project. I started August we will see how it goes. So far so good. Anyways...I noticed others are posting their here is my first picture. It is a caribou leg sticking out of the sink. I thought it was pretty cool.

Monday, August 2, 2010

I Love My Shane

Well I have officially been married for a whole year!! (even more now!) I am so thankful for my Shane and that I am married to him. We had a nice anniversary. We made one of our favorite dinners and I made a cake that was supposed to be like the cake at our wedding. We had red velvet cake...but the cake I made yesterday didn't turn red at all. So it was just chocolate cake that sagged in the middle. I even tried to decorate it with the colors of our wedding but that turned out worse than the red part of the red velvet cake. Hehe. That's was still yummy. In fact, I just had another hog slop. MMMmmmm. So here is a picture of our anniversary cake: