Saturday, June 15, 2013

My God is an Awesome God

Last week I started teaching my Sunday school some characteristics of God. I asked them to tell me what they think of when they think of God. They gave me some very interesting descriptions...some slightly accurate, but mostly not accurate at all. Shane suggested that I teach them what the Bible says about how God looks. I started studying it, reading verses about what God looks like and it is so amazing. I got the descriptions from the Bible then googled images for those specific descriptions. So I have a lot of photos to show the kids along with the description. For example, in Revelation it says that God has the appearance of jasper and sardine stone. So I googled jasper and sardine stone and got images for those things to show the kids. I did that with each description I found. It is a very neat thing to study and I am very glad I did it. I encourage you to go read about God and what He looks like. It makes me just a little more excited to get to heaven :-)

Here are a couple verses to get you started:
Genesis 1:27
Revelation 19:11-16
Revelation 1:12-15
Revelation 4:3


  1. I studied God's Holiness last week and God's mercy this week. It just gets more and more exciting!
