Wednesday, March 18, 2015

New Blog

Hello everyone! In the past weeks I have tried several times to sign into my blog to post. But Shane and I got a new email address with gmail and now it won't let me sign into my blog with my old gmail account. It only will let me here at the church. This is very frustrating to me. I think what I will do is make a new blog using our new email address. So please keep checking the comments on this post. I will post a link to our new blog when I get it up and running. Also, if you don't have our new email address and want it, just comment on here and I will get my email to you.

Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

  1. The blog is up and running! I had to switch to wordpress...I am not sure if I like it yet or not. Time will tell :-) Please bookmark me!
