Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Well, I was going to post pictures of our Easter on here but blogger wouldn't upload them for some reason. I will try again in a bit.

We didn't really do anything special for Easter, but it was still a nice day. Mrs Donley got baby an Easter outfit and bought him a couple toys. Will looked so cute! He is teething really bad today so the day was basically me trying to help him fall asleep. We finally had to just give him Tylenol and that helped him nap for almost 2 hours. His tooth is so close to coming through. Any day now!

This afternoon I took my dog and Shane's mom's dog out to a field to run. It was so funny watching them try to run in the snow because it was so deep. Eventually Causemoe just did the "army crawl" until we were out of the deep snow. That was funny to watch. TBone wasn't as obedient as Causemoe. TBone just ran and ran and ran and eventually just left the field we were in and ran up and down the road. He had a lot of energy built up inside of him. I will try to bring them out again soon.

Last night we had a youth activity. It was a lot of fun. We did a meal using no dishes. We had tortillas as plates, celery as spoons, and sweet peppers as cups. It was so funny watching everyone trying to eat...almost everyone spilled something!

Well, have a Happy Easter!

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