Friday, January 6, 2012

Getting back into the swing of things

Well the holidays are over and we are finally get back to normal. Last night Shane and I had a really good time taking William out on his sled that he got for Christmas. He really loved it. He fell off twice but I caught him before he hit the ground. I will add photos of that.

A lady from church came over yesterday to give me a little bit of instruction on how to finish William's coat that I am making for him. I have all three layers cut and sewn, I just need to sew them together then add fur and a zipper. I am really excited to finally see the end near. I was hoping to have it done before Christmas! I will make sure to post pictures of the coat and William wearing it when I am done with it.

Not a whole lot has been going on. The sun will be back this weekend and I am really looking forward to that. It is already getting a little brighter each afternoon and staying brighter longer. I can't wait to see sunshine again!!!! Plus on Saturday they will do fireworks for the 'return of the sun' festival. It should be a nice weekend.

Well, I will post again when I have more to tell about! Have a good weekend!

The first two pictures are William waiting for me while I clean the snow off of his stroller. The last three are of his first sled ride.

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