Thursday, January 26, 2012

It remains a mystery!

Well we had our ultrasound last week and the tech could not see whether we are having a boy or a girl. So it will remain a mystery until June! Shane thinks it's a boy and I am undecided. Sometimes I think it's a girl and sometimes when I feel him/her kick I think it's a boy. So just for fun I will say that I think it's a girl since Shane thinks it's a boy. Haha. Either way he is doing great, measuring 4 days ahead of his age! I feel him (I just say him because it's easier than saying him/her everytime) kick regularly now. I can tell when he is awake and moving around or when he is just trying to get comfortable to go back to sleep. It's really neat to feel. Shane has been able to feel him already, too. Baby always kicks William when William is leaning on my belly but it doesn't seem like William has noticed it at all yet. My due date will stay the same: June 6.

We are finally starting to get over the blizzard that we had last week. It is still staying in the -30s though. Really cold! It's too cold to bring William out for walks so I am really anxious for it to warm up a little bit. We don't like staying inside all day. Our truck was having trouble for a couple days. It wouldn't start even if we plugged it in over night. It is at the shop right now and hopefully will be fixed by tonight.

Continue to pray for my friends, Tammy and Melissa. Tammy is here in Inuvik and Melissa recently moved to Aklavik. I don't get to talk to either of them in person very often but we email several times a week. I am inviting them out to church and stuff like that. Please pray for their salvation.

Well, have a great day!


Wearing the coat that I made for him

Will's room that his daddy painted for him

William LOVES his dog!!

 Sound asleep :-)