Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Mother Daughter Banquet

This past Saturday we had our mother daughter banquet. They have it earlier in the year because the ladies from Aklavik and Tuk can only come if the ice road is still open. Our church hosted the banquet and Aklavik ran the program. It was a great time. I was on the decorating committee. Thursday night we set up all the chairs and tables and place settings and all that then on Friday night we put fresh flowers in vases and put them all over the room. The theme was In The Garden and you really felt like you were in a garden. It was really pretty. I had a super good time at the dinner. We had 63 ladies there. It was great!

This coming Thursday Shane and I are going to Aklavik with our Pastor. Shane is going to be preaching. I have never been to the church in Aklavik so I am looking forward to it. Afterwards we are going to the Noland's house (the missionaries there) to fellowship and eat and stuff. It will be a good time. Mrs Noland is already a good gluten free cook.

Well, I am not sure of what else to post...Leam was just eating a baked potato with butter and cheese and I sang the moon song to the babies.

1 comment:

  1. my dental hygenist just laughed and told me that my shirt didn't make me look canadian.so i told her you're a hoser and i pick on you for it.you hoser!
